This application allows 2,123 OS six-inch to the mile maps of Scotland (1843-1882) to be searched as a seamless layer.

Main search process

Use the map controls or the gazetteer, National Grid Reference or county / parish search methods to zoom in on your area of interest. The OS six-inch maps appear as a seamless layer. Search and view the individual OS six-inch to the mile sheets as zoomable whole sheets.

Gazetteer, National Grid Reference, and Counties/Parishes for searching

The Gazetteer at the top of the map allows you to locate your area on the map using modern place names from Google, as well as by British National Grid Reference - 2,4,6,or 10 figures. Further left, drop-down boxes allow counties and parishes (based on their names and boundaries in the 1940s) to be searched. In all cases, the map will then position to the place, National Grid Reference, county or parish that has been selected.

Background map

By default, the background map shows 1843-1882 OS six-inch to the mile mapping. Select the drop-down list to choose 1920s mapping, Ordnance Survey Opendata, or Google maps, satellite, hybrid and terrain views as background maps. Double-click on the map or click the zoom slider (upper left) to zoom in on the map.


In the lower-right of the map, the location of your mouse position is shown as a British National Grid Reference, as British National Grid Eastings and Northings, and as longitude and latitude.


The URL changes dynamically as the application is used. Copy the URL in your web browser window to save or send your specific current view of the interface.


This application uses Geoserver and Openlayers, and was customised by Klokan Technologies.

Please email for further assistance, or to provide general comments/feedback.